
As a collaborative partner in the agriculture & conservation space, the Montana Grazing Lands Coalition prioritizes producer resources, aiming to highlight the good work being done by industry partners and agencies across the landscape while providing valuable tools to farmers and ranchers.

Virtual Fence User Guide

Developed by Rangelands Gateway

This digital guide was created to empowers ranchers and land managers to effectively evaluate and use VF for improved rangeland management. Explore the foundations of VF factsheets, watch the videos, access geospatial resources, and explore handouts from workshops and webinars to better understand a VF system.

USDA-FSA Education Hub

Brought to you by our friends at FarmRaise, this educational hub was developed to demystify the government programs process.

The Art of Communication

Developed by the USDA Natural Resources Conservation Service

Unlock the Secrets in the Soil: Basics & Benefits of Soil Health

Developed by the USDA Natural Resources Conservation Service

Pocket Guide to Sagebrush Birds

Developed by the USDA Natural Resources Conservation Service

Funding Library

Developed by Ambrook

Ambrook's mission is to help American businesses stay independent. The company builds accounting tools that help farms, ranches, and other industrial operations become more profitable and sustainable. Along with their software, they also house one of the most complete funding libraries available to agricultural producers. Within the library, you can find resources pertaining to hundreds of funding sources available within the industry.

Additional Partner Resources

  • Supporting Working Lands and Wildlife with the Four C’s

    Developed by the Conflict Reduction Consortium, hosted by the Western Landowners Alliance.

    Find the Resource Here

  • A Road Map to Place-Based Collaboration for Conflict Reduction

    Created by the Western Landowners Alliance in partnership with Heart of the Rockies Initiative, Montana State University Extension and USDA-NRCS.

    Find the Resource Here

  • Expanding Human-Grizzly Bear Conflicts: The Situation, Challenges and Solutions

    Developed by the Conflict Reduction Consortium, hosted by the Western Landowners Alliance.

    Find the Resource Here

  • Range Riding Producer Toolkit

    Authored by Rae Nickerson, Matthew Collins, Breanna Owens, Jay Shepherd, Nathan Owens, Erika Nunlist, Julie Young, Erin Edge, Alex Few, Jared Beaver

    Find the Resource Here